Some popular anime characters who sport pigtails are Sailor Moon, Maka Albarn, Tohsaka Rin, Yui Hirasawa, Zero Two, and Melty Melromarc. Pigtails remain a classic anime hairstyle, and these characters showcase some of the best examples of this charming style.
Anime characters are known for their unique hairstyles and colorful hair. Pigtails, which may seem like a thing of the past, have become a popular and adorable style in the world of anime. They represent a fun and quirky personality.
Most Iconic Pigtailed Anime Characters
Let’s take a journey through the world of anime and explore the beautiful pigtails that adorn the heads of many female characters, from the feisty tsundere to the kind-hearted healer. Get ready to be captivated by their enchanting charm and fall in love with their unique personalities.
10Zero Two – Darling in the Franxx

Explore the world of mecha alongside the enigmatic Zero Two from the well-known series Darling in the Franxx. Zero Two’s long, flowing pink hair and charming pigtails make her an unforgettable character who has captivated fans globally.
Zero Two is a hybrid of human and klaxosaur. Her exceptional strength and agility make her an impressive mecha pilot.
Zero Two’s pigtails provide a delicate and vulnerable contrast to her otherwise strong and distant demeanor. As she and her partner Hiro venture on a journey of self-discovery, Zero Two’s pigtails serve as a visible representation of her intricate and captivating personality.
9Silica – Sword Art Online

Silica is one of the girls in Kirito’s party and harem in Sword Art Online. She has light brown hair that she ties into pigtails with red ribbons, which is a popular hairstyle among anime girls. This hairstyle also makes her look childlike. Silica has a petite physique and innocent personality, which adds to her overall appearance.
Silica may appear delicate, but she is always eager to stand up for her friends and is unafraid to get into a battle. Her charismatic and cheerful demeanor only enhances her endearing qualities, and she can become flustered when Kirito shows her attention.
8Aoba Suzukaze – NEW GAME!

Join Aoba Suzukaze on her journey into video game development as she takes on the challenges of her new job. With her bright-eyed enthusiasm and sky-blue pigtails bouncing merrily, Aoba is determined to prove herself as a capable and skilled worker fresh out of high school. NEW GAME! follows her exciting adventure in the industry.
Aoba’s pigtails are a representation of her endless enthusiasm and love for developing video games. As she builds strong relationships with her unique colleagues, her pigtails act as a continuous reminder of her positive attitude and unwavering drive to achieve success.
7Melty Melromarc – Anime Pigtails Hairstyles

In the beginning of The Rising of the Shield Hero, Melty Melromarc had a smaller role but eventually became a crucial part of the main story and characters. She has blue hair styled into pigtails with blue ribbons, giving her a youthful appearance.
Even though she is the Queen of Melromarc, it’s hard for people to view her as a serious figure due to her youthful appearance, highlighted by her curly pigtails. However, Melty is a determined and persistent individual who won’t back down when it comes to fighting for her beliefs. She’s committed to showing her value and worth, regardless of her appearance.
6Popura Taneshima – Working!!

Finally, we cannot forget about the petite waitress, Popura Taneshima, from the comedic show Working!! Although she may be small in size, her big personality shines through her lively red pigtails. As she rushes around the busy family-owned restaurant Wagnaria, her pigtails sway along with her contagious excitement.
Popura’s pigtails are a symbol of her unbreakable positivity and perseverance in the face of challenges. Her unique hairstyle, coupled with her caring nature towards loved ones, brings joy and kindness to everyone she meets.
5Kagura – Gintama

Get ready to laugh out loud with Kagura from the action-packed and hilarious anime series, Gintama. As one of the members of the Yorozuya trio, Kagura is a lively alien with incredible strength and an insatiable appetite. Her bright red pigtails showcase her fiery personality and endless energy, rendering her an unforgettable character in the world of anime.
Kagura’s spirited personality is reflected in her pigtails, which add a playful element to her character. Her combination of toughness and cuteness is truly delightful. As she fights alongside her comrades to safeguard Edo, Kagura’s pigtails serve as a constant reminder of her unwavering loyalty and unwavering resolve.
4Noelle Silva – Black Clover

In the anime Black Clover, Noelle is a member of two squads, the Red Bulls and the Royal Knights. She styles her long silver hair into pigtails and opts for a central bang on her forehead. Despite her cute appearance, she is a rare and well-respected female character.
Noelle is a Magic Knight who embodies strength, confidence, and courage. Despite her royal upbringing, she is kind and not at all arrogant or intimidating. At the start of the series, she faces challenges in controlling her water and spirit magic, but her unwavering determination helps her become one of the best.
3Rikka Takanashi – Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions

Enter the realm of teenage imagination with Rikka Takanashi, the quirky lead character of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions. Rikka’s distinctive fashion sense is highlighted by her asymmetrical pigtails that add a touch of peculiarity to her “Chunibyo” alter ego. With her self-proclaimed possession of the “Wicked Eye,” Rikka’s pigtails complement her captivating aura.
Rikka’s pigtails are a symbol of her imaginative spirit and her unwavering belief in the existence of a fantastical world. As she navigates the complexities of adolescence, her pigtails showcase her endearing charm and unyielding creativity.
2Haruhi Suzumiya – The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

On our list of dynamic characters, we have the spirited Haruhi Suzumiya from the entertaining and thought-provoking series “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”. Haruhi is the founder and leader of the SOS Brigade. Her lively personality and unwavering determination are perfectly captured by her ever-changing hairstyles, often featuring charming pigtails.
Haruhi’s pigtails represent her quest for excitement and the pursuit of the extraordinary. As she drags her friends into her whimsical adventures, her pigtails serve as a visual reminder of her boundless curiosity and unwavering belief in the existence of the extraordinary.
1Usagi Tsukino – Sailor Moon

It would be remiss to not include Usagi Tsukino, also known as Sailor Moon, when discussing pigtailed anime princesses. Usagi is the leader of the Sailor Scouts, and her recognizable pigtails are symbolic of feminine strength and enchanting metamorphoses. Her pigtails are styled in a gravity-defying manner and are truly a work of art in the anime world.
Did you know that Usagi’s pigtails hold a special meaning? They represent her transformation from a clumsy, emotional schoolgirl to a strong warrior who fights for love and justice. As she defeats evil, Sailor Moon’s pigtails serve as a symbol of hope and a reminder of the importance of friendship.